Refereed Journal Publications
1. Strategic Authoritarianism: The Political Cycles and Selectivity of China's Tax-Break Policy.
American Journal of Political Science 64(5), 2021: 845-861 (with Ling Chen). [Appendices] [Replication]
- Top Downloaded and Top Cited AJPS Article (link).
2. Projecting Political Power: China's Changing Maritime Strategy.
The Chinese Journal of International Politics 12(2), 2019: 229-261 (with Kejin Zhao).
Papers in Progress
1. Commerce, Coalitions, and Global Value Chains: Evidence from Coordinated and Collective Lobbying.
Conditionally Accepted, American Journal of Political Science.
- Winner of the Best Paper in International Relations, Midwest Political Science Association.
- Winner of the Best Paper in Political Economy, American Political Science Association.
2. The Political Origins of Rules of Origin (with In Song Kim).
3. Strong State, Weak Enforcement: Bureaucratic Forbearance of China’s Social Insurance Policies (with Ye Zhang).
4. U.S.-China Supply Chains Under Stress: Trade Policy Uncertainty and Production Reallocation (with Ka Zeng).
5. Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Endogenous Network Influence.
6. The Political Economy of Courier Station Networks in Ming Dynasty China (with Arturas Rozenas and Yuhua Wang).
Statistical Software
1. Steven Liao, In Song Kim, Sayumi Miyano, and Hao Zhang. concordance: Concordance Utilities for International Trade Research, available through the Comprehensive R Archive Network and GitHub Repository.
2. Hao Zhang. matchnet: Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Endogenous Network Influence, under construction.
1. Strategic Authoritarianism: The Political Cycles and Selectivity of China's Tax-Break Policy.
American Journal of Political Science 64(5), 2021: 845-861 (with Ling Chen). [Appendices] [Replication]
- Top Downloaded and Top Cited AJPS Article (link).
2. Projecting Political Power: China's Changing Maritime Strategy.
The Chinese Journal of International Politics 12(2), 2019: 229-261 (with Kejin Zhao).
Papers in Progress
1. Commerce, Coalitions, and Global Value Chains: Evidence from Coordinated and Collective Lobbying.
Conditionally Accepted, American Journal of Political Science.
- Winner of the Best Paper in International Relations, Midwest Political Science Association.
- Winner of the Best Paper in Political Economy, American Political Science Association.
2. The Political Origins of Rules of Origin (with In Song Kim).
3. Strong State, Weak Enforcement: Bureaucratic Forbearance of China’s Social Insurance Policies (with Ye Zhang).
4. U.S.-China Supply Chains Under Stress: Trade Policy Uncertainty and Production Reallocation (with Ka Zeng).
5. Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Endogenous Network Influence.
6. The Political Economy of Courier Station Networks in Ming Dynasty China (with Arturas Rozenas and Yuhua Wang).
Statistical Software
1. Steven Liao, In Song Kim, Sayumi Miyano, and Hao Zhang. concordance: Concordance Utilities for International Trade Research, available through the Comprehensive R Archive Network and GitHub Repository.
2. Hao Zhang. matchnet: Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Endogenous Network Influence, under construction.